Make the most of what you already have.

Unstructured ideas, requests and suggestions for the development of the game.
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Make the most of what you already have.

Post by Poots80 »

I feel that the map areas that are completed are already quite vast and complex (although I look forward to seeing what's to come). I was thinking that these areas deserve revisiting. I think that there are way of adding a few adjustments to the game to make for lots of new quests that could keep even the most advanced player busy running around the map to complete - like a treasure hunt. The main concept of these ideas is to make the most of what you have already accomplished in the game development and give each are a lot more use. The following are some examples that I have come up with.

So I was thinking that there could be certain people in the map who ask you to run to all ends of the map to gather information or carry out some task. For example, you could have a priest who needs a message passed to all the other priests, so the player would be asked to visit all the other priests in the different towns and return once completed (this might not be to hard to write in the programming since the script could be essentially the same for all of them); You could have a soldier captain in one of the cities who wants someone to check on his men. So he asks the player to find and take count of all the soldiers in the map who are under his command; Once the Prim/BWM quest is finished you could have the leader who stays (Guthbered or Harlenn) ask you to contact the other leaders of other cities with a message of peace and then return once completed.

Along the same line I was thinking that you could have several obscure items scattered throughout the land. Then the player meets someone who needs help collecting them, or information from them - much like the pieces of the Kazaul ritual on BWM, but have them travel throughout the whole map. These items could be in some remote caves, or in random corners of the map. The idea is that even though they might be seen earlier in the game their use would be unknown until a certain character needed them, then the player would have to return to these parts of the map to find them again.

I was then thinking that it would be interesting to find a person who studies animals (a zoologist) who wants to collect information about the creatures in the world. He would be found later in the game, like east of the Iqhan cave. The player would then have to find different kinds of animal in the map and return to the zoologist with the information. I imagine that it might have to be done something like the sheep and the bells or something. The zoologist could even do it by categories. Like he could start with k9 (dog) animals, then snakes, then insects or bees. This idea can be kind of tricky to program what the player collects form the animals and delivers to the zoologist. Or maybe you could have a new boss appear at the end of the snake cave or dog cave who is a lot harder now who gives you something to bring back to the zoologist.

But the above idea gave me a really cool idea that might be better than the others - and a lot easier to add in. Basically there would be a point in the game where a special character is found. This character is a person who you fight. It could be a trainer, or a arch enemy or something who returns throughout the game. You would write his attributes (health, attack power, attack chance, block chance, etc,) to be very similar to your own so that he is very challenging to fight no matter how advanced you are. Then when you have defeated him he challenges you to find him again. Then he re-spawns in some other location until found there. When you find him again his attributes resemble the player's again, even though the player has upgraded since the last encounter, and the process repeats. There would be some benefit in finding and fighting this character such as he would give you extra experience (like 10% of the experience level you are on, like if you need 8650 to reach the next level he would give you 865 exp) He could even have a certain drop percentage of a very special item. You would have to write this character in a way that when the player encounters this character the player's attributes are read and then adopted into the character's attributes in that moment. I was also thinking that it would be good to have certain specific places where this character could re-spawn, like near the end of certain caves, or far ends of the map. I like this idea because it would have "grinders" looking all over the map for this character.

I'd love to hear what you guys think.
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Re: Make the most of what you already have.

Post by Piggy the Slayer »

Good post with some great ideas.
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Re: Make the most of what you already have.

Post by Mave102 »

Good post! I especially like the idea of the "shadow character" that nearly reflects your own stats. I look forward to seeing some of these ideas implemented into the game.
Mike- Level 31 XP: 546997 AP: 4/12
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Re: Make the most of what you already have.

Post by sdevaney »

These are some interesting "filler" ideas. I am putting this on our discussion list for the next content dev meeting.
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Re: Make the most of what you already have.

Post by oskarwiksten »

Excellent ideas, Poots80!
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