v0.8.12.1 ("Towards Feygard" or "Of kobolds, fae, witch and troll", including bugfix) released to Google Play!

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New Charwood

Unstructured ideas, requests and suggestions for the development of the game.
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New Charwood

Post by MuraMaru »

Here's the idea, remember when you back then must choose between Prim and Blackwater Mt.??
sadly before you now can chose none of them and act ignorant
But,between choices, there is some that make you have to make one of the leader and their follower have to leave their base for now and go somewhere else
What happen if that place is destroyed place called charwood, who get invaded by bunch of goblin,centipede etc.
That makes them have new places to live right?
But the problem is,if we kill one of their leader
Do their follower will avenge his death?
Or maybe they just gone to somewhere else
The other problem is same, what happen if you didnt chose any of them?
Do one of them Will leave their place to new one
Since both of them highly suspicious to other, one with their gornaut problem and the other with the aulaeth? Problem
but i more suspecting andor more than anyone
“The Way I See It, Our Fates Appear To Be Intertwined„
“So, what do you say? Why not help one another on this lonely journey?”
Working on some quest, feel free to comment
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