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PT - BR translation

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PT - BR translation

Post by Brussel »

Hi, I've been editing the old translations and I would like to say some things about PT-BR translation
Idk if I can write a topic in PT-BR about a PT-BR translation so I will go on English

"Bone warrior" as "ossudo campeão" is a such creative and nice translation as well "grave spawn" as "ente das sepulturas"

But also there's some weird things, idk why but there's "Tough grasslands ant" as "Formiga-das-pradarias resistente", according to this translation the grasslands are tough instead of the ants. (I'm already editing this)

This topic is to your suggestion to talk about a translation "abrasileirada" but without moving away from AT world.
You don't have to be a translator to comment here, we are open to listen the suggestions

Obs: the focus here is to talk about the old translations edits, but we can talk about the new translations
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Re: PT - BR translation

Post by rijackson741 »

"Grasslands ant" is the name of the creature. A "Tough grasslands ant" is a harder version of that. You have to decide how to translate it. Maybe hyphenate it? "Grasslands-ant"?
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Re: PT - BR translation

Post by Brussel »

I already decided, this was just an example
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