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Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 1:01 pm
by WogWolf
Почему бы не добавить возможность приготовления еды? К примеру есть такие предметы как "сырое мясо" или "сырая рыба" и тому подобное , к примеру придя в таверну к повору выполнить у него задание и он будет готовить за бесплатно еду , придти в другую таверну там повар будет готовить только за деньги , в третьей таверне к примеру повар отказывается готовить. Или же сделать так , чтобы у каждого повара была своя специальность по типу: в одной таверне повор готовит мясо , в другой рыбу , в третьей грибы и так далее

I don't speak English fluently, so this text was translated using Google.

Why not add the ability to cook? For example, there are such items as "raw meat" or "raw fish" and the like, for example, when you come to the tavern to the chef to complete his task and he will cook for free food, come to another tavern where the cook will cook only for money, in the third tavern, for example, the cook refuses to cook. Or make it so that each cook has his own specialty by type: in one tavern, the cook prepares meat, in another, fish, in the third, mushrooms, and so on.

Re: Еда/

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 2:45 pm
by Antison
It's all about priorities and time. We all have limited time and are committing said time to new content creation. Things like maps and quests.

Re: Еда/

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 4:35 pm
by rijackson741
This has been suggested numerous times. You can already sell food you don't want, and buy different food. So cooking it would really get you nothing you don't already have, and it would be a lot of work for us to implement it.