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Andor's Trail Project Meeting #36

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:31 pm
by sdevaney
Andor’s Trail Project Meeting #36
Present: Oskar Wiksten(oskar.wiksten), Stephen Stalnaker(ctnbeh13)

1. Follow-up from last meeting:
Go over previous meetings TODO’s.

Matthew: Flavor text for items

Tom: Stoutford quest stages

2. Completed since the last meeting:
Code for unique monsters undergone major refactoring. First step towards scripted spawning and removal of monsters. The game now keeps a separate list of the unique NPCs that have been explicitly removed by conversation or combat. That way, we can keep respawning maps much more safely. Earlier, we had to make sure to not mess up the spawn state, thus having a high risk of some NPCs being forever gone for unlucky players. Size of savegames inadvertently reduce to half size (twice as fast to handle).

Added preference “Use localized resources”, to allow disabling partial translations.

3. Things that are being worked on:
Ian - new tiles (licensing issue?)

Updated screenshots for Google Play
- who wants to summarize them?

Elythara quest - Ian/Stan/Oskar??

Tom - Stoutford area

Ian - Mt. Galmore

4. Discussion of some forum threads/posts that people have found interesting, or want clarification on, or maybe a question answered:
Spam fighting on forums

Player survey

NPCs fighting other NPCs
Anyone care to try to answer the actual questions?

6. What should we have ready for the next meeting?
Stephen: gathering forum content for doing a “how to contribute”-guide

Oskar: trying out some code to sort / categorize inventory

Re: Andor's Trail Project Meeting #36

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:36 pm
by fiernaq
sdevaney wrote:Size of savegames inadvertently reduce to half size (twice as fast to handle).
Oooh, shnazzy! Me like :D

Re: Andor's Trail Project Meeting #36

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:50 pm
by Sarumar
NPCs fighting other NPCs question... i try to give my opinion;

How would we do that in Andor's Trail? Should we enter "combat mode" (stop time) and make the players "end turn"-action determine when the rounds end? Or should combat proceed while the players stands by watching it all happen?

Answer, IMO go to combat mode, in AT there is no storytelling part like in some other games

How would we handle the case when the player exits the current map, should the combatants continue fighting on their own or should they only fight while the player is on the same map?

Answer, IMO currently in AT there is no time so i vote nothing happens until player is in same map

What if the players wants to join in on the fight - should the fighting monsters keep attacking each other or should one start attacking the player? Under what conditions should it start attacking the player instead of the other guy?

Answer, IMO let the player enter in to the fight and debending on his earlier choices (quest, etc) someone might attack. And the player might attack anyone if he likes (this is shoice too).