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Character Level and New Update

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 11:58 pm
by officerjoneswc4176
Not sure what's the best location to put this question, but I think development and/or game discussion seems the most appropriate. My question is to the developers of the game...Are our characters are going to carry the same level that the character is currently at when the update comes out or is the character going to be limited to a maximum level - say like max level 35?

Re: Character Level and New Update

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 10:43 pm
by oskarwiksten
Your old stats will be carried over to the new version. You will not lose your character or your level. Personally, I strongly dislike level caps, so I will not introduce one :)

Additionally, if we do some difficulty balancing on player stats, you will get the benefit as if you had such a benefit from the start. (For example, we raised initial HP a few versions ago, that all existing players also benefited from)

Hope that answers your question!

Re: Character Level and New Update

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 4:58 pm
by strago
Oskar, how are you going to balance gameplay for old players vs new players? For instance, just running through the game from start to finish, I ended up completing the gargoyle cave at level 18. However, because I've been grinding the gargoyle cave looking for the ring of shadows I'm now at level 27. So quests and caves that would be more difficult level 18 are going to be much easier at level 27 (or higher as I know a lot of people on these forums are). Are you building for level 18? Or level 27?