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Writing a Full Quest for A.T.

Unstructured ideas, requests and suggestions for the development of the game.
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Re: Writing a Full Quest for A.T.

Post by NewbNewb »

How about a Hunter quest? Not to complicated just hunting certain monster for "rare" items(just potions or something). You can make different as you get stronger, make it as a long time to finish quest. In that way they will be interested rather than just hunting for legendary items. :ugeek:
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Re: Writing a Full Quest for A.T.

Post by rijackson741 »

We will not create a quest that can only be completed by getting some super rare item. That is not the purpose of extraordinary and legendary drops.
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Re: Writing a Full Quest for A.T.

Post by Grim Reaper »

Quest: Cheap Cuts - Another Way

Instead of current version of Cheap Cuts quest i am proposing a following reconstruction with routes A, B and C:
  • I have met Benbyr outside the Crossroads guardhouse. He wants to get revenge on an old 'business partner' of his - Tinlyn. Benbyr wants me to kill all Tinlyn's sheep.
  • I have agreed to help Benbyr find Tinlyn's sheep and kill all eight of them. I should go look for them in the fields northwest of the crossroads guardhouse.
  • B: I have talked with Tinlyn about his old business partner wanting to ruin him. After some persuading he told me he was dealing in forbidden sustances needed to make bonemeal potions along with 2 of his brothers and Benbyr, their ex-best friend. Their last shippment was supposed to be huge and it would secure them their futures. However it was a trap, somebody leaked information to guards. Guards shortly arrived at where shipment was supposed to be and killed his 2 brothers in an instant. He run away for his life leaving shipment there. After that he decided to drop his old live and live as sheppard. He begged me to do something about Benbyr as he does not want anything with his past. He gave me 500 gold, telling me he does not have more... he asked me to pay 1000 gold to his old bussiness partner so he can finally put his past behind
  • B: I went with his story back to Benbyr, he told me that it was Tinlyn who leaked shippment location meeting information to guards and that he took the shipment, sold it by himself on side and is acting with all this sheppard life while living on fortune. He is still insisting on killing Tinlyn' sheeps.
  • A: I have started attacking the sheep. I should return to Benbyr once I have killed all eight of them.
  • A: Benbyr was thrilled to hear that all of Tinlyn's sheep are dead.(900 XP) [End of quest]
  • B: I have paid Benbyr 1000 gold. He was happy and decided to leave Tinyln alone.(900 XP) [End of quest] [Shepherd near Guymart castle Offers a Quest Now]
  • C:I declined to help Benbyr kill the sheep. [End of quest] [Shepherd near Guymart castle Offers a Quest Now]
Stay tuned for quest connected to Shepherd near Guymart castle
Last edited by Grim Reaper on Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
  • [RoL] Rapier of lifesteal (X2)
  • [RoLS] Ring of lesser Shadow
  • [RoFLS] Ring of far lesser Shadow
  • [HoF] Helm of Foreseeing
  • [Sh] Serpant's hauberk
  • [M] Marrowtaint
  • [BoG] Boots of the Globetrotter
  • Troublemaker's gloves
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Re: Writing a Full Quest for A.T.

Post by Antison »

This is an interesting idea. Please tell us more about this new Shepherd quest
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Re: Writing a Full Quest for A.T.

Post by Grim Reaper »

Quest: Secret Familly Ties
  • I have stumbled upon Shepherd near Gunmart castle. He was grumbling something in his chin until he remember he heard of me. He was overjoyed that i did not kill his son's ships. He saw i was confused so he clarified that his son's name was Tinlyn. He also said his son bought him all of those 25 sheeps he has right now out of blue with no income. Shepherd mumbled something about him forgetting what he was not supposed to tell a living soul.
  • I have decided to confront Tinlyn with newly found infromation
  • Tinlyn offers me 1500 gold to not say a word to Benbyr. He explains that his dad has Alzhaimer and that he wanted to let him spend rest of his life the way he wanted, being a shepard. He keeps explaining that his brothers were only half-brothers and that they did not know that. Their mum was a whore and he became disgusted to share a blood line with them once he found out.
  • A:I have run to Benbyr with this new information. He asks of me to kill every sheep in possession of both Shepherd or Tinlyn and bring him 33 sheep meat so he can sell it (side note: would be smart to make Shpehard's sheeps ukillable until this moment)
  • B:I have accepted Tinlyn's offer.(1500 Gold, 2000 XP) [End of quest]
  • A:I have return to Benbyr with 33 sheep's meat. He pays me half of sheep's meat value in gold.(1500 Gold, 2000 XP) [End of quest]
  • [RoL] Rapier of lifesteal (X2)
  • [RoLS] Ring of lesser Shadow
  • [RoFLS] Ring of far lesser Shadow
  • [HoF] Helm of Foreseeing
  • [Sh] Serpant's hauberk
  • [M] Marrowtaint
  • [BoG] Boots of the Globetrotter
  • Troublemaker's gloves
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Re: Writing a Full Quest for A.T.

Post by zongeleh »

i need know why some item have lower
And if they are weaker Why should we use them?Or why they should be in the store What are you using? What is their advantage?
Some devices when used They do nothing They do not kill monsters And we get weaker
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Re: Writing a Full Quest for A.T.

Post by Antison »

Well in the example that you're calling out, it's an attractive item for someone who's building a defensive minded character who can withstand the loss of block chance in favor of the attack chance boost.

Play the game for a while and you will learn that Andor's Trail is a game of actions and consequences, pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages.
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Re: Writing a Full Quest for A.T.

Post by T-rex2298 »

Also, why would you post that question on this thread? Just asking :?
Last edited by T-rex2298 on Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Writing a Full Quest for A.T.

Post by zongeleh »

thank you for answering
I wanted to send these questions in a special place Post seems to be in the wrong placešŸ˜…
ok so ...... i try all item
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Re: Writing a Full Quest for A.T.

Post by abdullahkhan »

nyktos wrote: Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:10 pm there are plenty of ideas for quests,
but not enough writers to bring a good idea "far enough" to get put into the game...

i will be happy to write some of these, but...
only after i finish mine!



if anyone is interested in writing up some of these great ideas,
apply for Dev Access & you will see a new Developer's Corner...
(yes, everyone can see it at the moment - but not for long)
this will be the best place to post Full Quest - or to discuss how to get to that end.

there are a few different acceptable formats, just ask...
or take a look and mimic what you see!

i will be digging through old posts,
trying to find the most fully developed ideas...
so maybe we can even have a list of half thought out quests that writers can jump in on at their leisure.
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