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Public Google Hangout - Meet the Devs!

Discussions of the development process of the game.

Do you think you will be attending the public hangout?

If it was at a different time/date.
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Re: Public Google Hangout - Meet the Devs!

Post by sdevaney »

DarkSavant13 wrote:In another thread I mentioned the new Google+ Events, that I believe would allow everyone to participate in the discussion. I was told that there were plans to imbed a video and chat on a page that would also allow everyone to participate.

As long as something is done so that all of those that found out they couldn't participate last time (myself included) can participate the next time, I don't care how it's done. ;)

Last time, it seemed to have no problem with me participating in the Hangout until the day of the Hangout. When I tried to go to it I got a message saying "your phone does not support Google+ Hangouts". Maybe I got an update, I have no idea, but it was really annoying and depressing at the same time. If it was like that for me, I can guess that it was like that for others as well, and I would prefer it if this next time it all worked out more smoothly for everyone. ;)
Did a little more research before responding and as I understand it the only thing that G+ Events with "Party Mode" allows is anyone that is invited can upload pictures to the event page. Nothing that much helps phone users.

We are testing the stream embed and live chat now and there are a few bugs to work out. But it should be ready for the next time we decide to try a public meeting.
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Re: Public Google Hangout - Meet the Devs!

Post by DarkSavant13 »

Thanks for the extra research done on Google+ Events. Guess it wasn't such a good idea after all. I wasn't sure but that's another big disappointment in Google. Sorry my suggestion was so off. :(

But, with you on the ball, as usual, we may all be able to participate in the next public meeting. :D I can't wait. ;)
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Re: Public Google Hangout - Meet the Devs!

Post by Pyrizzle »

Pyrizzle wrote:Any idea of when we might want to try this again?

Hopefully i can make it this time.
Any idea of when we might want to try this again? :mrgreen:

Hopefully i can make it this time.
So i am assuming there has been no date set yet then? :mrgreen:

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Re: Public Google Hangout - Meet the Devs!

Post by sdevaney »

We are attempting a second meeting at the following time:
The NEW meeting will take place Sunday August 5th @ 4p.m EST (8p.m GMT).

The most important change, for those of you on your mobile phones you will be able to access a live stream and chat.
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Re: Public Google Hangout - Meet the Devs!

Post by Pyrizzle »

sdevaney wrote:We are attempting a second meeting at the following time:
The NEW meeting will take place Sunday August 5th @ 4p.m EST (8p.m GMT).

The most important change, for those of you on your mobile phones you will be able to access a live stream and chat.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Public Google Hangout - Meet the Devs!

Post by sdevaney »

Reminder: Live hangout tomorrow!

For those not at a computer the whole thing will be streamed live with chat at: http://andorstrail.com/stream (andorstrail.com/stream)

Be sure to stop by and say hi, looking forward to seeing everyone there!
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Re: Public Google Hangout - Meet the Devs!

Post by sdevaney »

For those that missed the live event you can watch/listen to it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfmuwOzRYMo
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Re: Public Google Hangout - Meet the Devs!

Post by Pyrizzle »

sdevaney wrote:For those that missed the live event you can watch/listen to it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfmuwOzRYMo
Thanks for postin the link! :mrgreen:

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Re: Public Google Hangout - Meet the Devs!

Post by Kruncha »

Just checked out the video, any plans on another meeting?

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Re: Public Google Hangout - Meet the Devs!

Post by nyktos »

yes, just need to have it organized...
i will make sure to ask about the next one when we meet again.

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