Breakfast Bread & Rats!
Mikhail gives both quests - the rats are right outside & the bread is sold in the Town Hall (item bag sign).
The only other residence in Crossglen is Leta's house and she wants you to find her husband Oromir. He is among the trees in the lower-right hand corner of town.
Odair wants you to clear the rat cave! He can be found in the upper-right hand corner of town.
Starting in the Town Hall, Leonid tells you about Bonemeal & says Tharal knows more. He is the man in red across from the beds in the back. Bring him 5 insect wings (kill wasps) and he will send you to Thoronir (in Fallhaven to the east) with a password. Thoronir can be found in the church located in the center of that town. When you give him the password he asks for 5 bones to make potions. There is a cabin filled with undead back near Crossglen's eastern exit. You will see a road sign between two trails - one heading south (to Fallhaven) & one heading west (to Crossglen). You will find a Rabid Fox blocking a path through the woods that leads to the cabin. The path curves north and runs parallel to the stone trail that leads to the guard station before curving eastward again - leading to the undead cabin. Once inside, go down a few levels & at the bottom you'll find four skeletons that drop bones. Bring them back to Thoronir so he can start producing potions.
Once one kills the Snake Master in the Snake Cave and comes out, one meets Ewmondold who thanks one and says that his way to rule is now free, before leaving,
Head back into the Snake Cave to find him.
Destroy him to eliminate his threat to one's beloved Crossglen and its surroundings.
Head back into the Snake Cave to find him.
Destroy him to eliminate his threat to one's beloved Crossglen and its surroundings.
Fallen Friends
Jan wants revenge and his friends ring, find him by leaving Crossglen to the south and follow the trail east one screen. On the new screen, leave the trail and go south - you should see a guard and a ditch. Talk to the guard, explore the cave and slay the enemy. Report back to Jan with the ring.
When you head south out of Crossglen, past the snake cave, head west a bit and you'll find a guard on duty. He tells you about the prison to the south-east. First, enter the prison and go downstairs until you are stopped by a "large enemy". Go back upstairs, to ground level & take the stairs up that you saw upon entry. There are three undead clustered in the corner, the one in the back drops an item. Take the item to the guard outside and he will give you a password that allows you to battle the "large enemy" mentioned earlier. Defeat it and move deeper into the complex, near the end you must defeat yet another "large enemy". Kill it and speak with the man in the final room for closure.
In gren-roof huts to West of Duleian road, meet Two-teeth. He asks for Rat Poison from Lowyna, so get him some.
Search for Andor
Mikhail tells you to find your brother and advises you to start at the Town Hall (item bag sign). Inside, talk to Leonid (upper left) & he sends you over to Gruil (a blue cloaked man). He wants a poison gland before he will talk (exit Crossglen to the south to find two green snakes who drop them - two more snakes can be found one more screen south). When you get his gland, he sends you east to Fallhaven to meet Gaela. Find Gaela on the right / western side of Fallhaven (a town east of Crossglen) inside a building in the lower left corner. Gaela send you to Bucus, who is one screen over, on the left / eastern side of town. Again, find the lower left most building once inside accept & complete the Key of Luthor quest for Bucus. Afterwards, he will send you downstairs to meet Umar. After mistaking you for Andor, he says your brother was looking for Lodar & advises you to search for his hideaway.