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Background on Andor and Beware of the Shadow!

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:23 pm
by Diomedes
After dad was killed by a large cave rat in the town supply cave, it was just mom, Andor and I. Without dad to help feed and take care of us, we fell on some pretty hard times. We were lucky though. Many of the men from the village would come and keep mom company at night so she wouldn’t be too lonely. They would also give her a little money or food after the visit. Sometimes, they would bring something for Andor and me. It was nice of them to help us out. It really does take a village to raise a child! :D

We were not allowed to come and meet the company. Andor became angry at the men and at mom. I told him we were lucky to have them help take care of us and he said that I was being a stupid young boy. :x

One night, when my mom and the dwarfish blacksmith were visiting, I heard my mom say that Andor had been hanging out with the wrong crowd. She also said he was starting to follow the shadow. It was just after that conversation Andor disappeared. :?

From what I have seen so far about the shadow, I don’t like it. The weapons and stuff are cool, but the followers seem a bit evil. I met one in the gargoyle caves and another in the caves of Iqhan. They were not nice people. :twisted:

Bonemeal potions heal well, but they taste like the chalk teacher would make me eat after I repeated words I overheard mom and her company say. I like the healing potions. They taste like the cherry flavored candy mom’s visitors would sometimes bring for me! :D
Lvl: 60, XP: 3864473, Gold: 395251, RoLS: 2, ElyR:1, RoL: 0, ChaR: 5, GoLF: 1, ShaF: 1
HP: 97, AC: 232%, AD: 25-32, AP: 4, CC: 79%, CM: 3.0, BC: 101%, DR: 0

Re: Background on Andor and Beware of the Shadow!

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:07 am
by Pyrizzle
[moved to the approprite forum]
Great post! Welcome to the Forums!

Re: Background on Andor and Beware of the Shadow!

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:52 am
by nyktos
well met traveler!
good to have you...

my thoughts on The Shadow?
im not sure if it's good or evil,
it might even be considered neutral...

and to me, i had a feeling that Gargoyle Shadow was at odds,
or at least separate from The Shadow that we are given the choice to "support"

personally, i like the idea of playing a character in a theif guild
that worships a neutral god, that acts a bit chaotic @ times

just some thoughts...
take care & good luck adventurers