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Usable Kitchen

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:36 pm
by ScorpionZ
I nominate a usable kitchen as an idea for development.

You can collect raw meat all day long. I actually keep my meat stock well over 100 units. You can purchase cooked meat from several locations. Unfortunately the cost of the cooked meat doesn't make it worthwhile (21 HP for 89 gold) when you can purchase bonemeal for significantly cheaper (40 HP for 51 gold).

I propose you do one of two things:

Idea#1 Make a kitchen available where you can go and pay to cook your food. All of the taverns have a resting area. You could provide a stove for renting where you could cook your meat. Price could be per meat cooked (i.e. 10 gold to cook each meat) or a rental fee (i.e. 300 gold to cook as much meat as you like, but you have to pay again each time you come back to cook more).

Idea#2 In several of the taverns as well as the thieves guild, there is a cook. You could put his services up for hire. Again his fee could be per unit cooked or per visit.

As I build my stats, certain HP restoring items become less useful during battle. The raw meat collected is getting close to that point and allowing us cook the meat brings the HP value from 12 for raw meat to 21 for cooked meat. Now the meat becomes usable again.

Once again, wonderful game. I'm hooked!

Re: Usable Kitchen

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:52 am
by Rolling Thunder
I second the motion.