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Re: Bestiary / Compemdium

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:48 am
by Pyrizzle
nezkeys79 wrote:Pyrizzle...basically I have the exp, gold, and item drops for every monster(minus bosses) before entering BWM handwritten. I want to put all this information into a spreadsheet format where all the monsters are numbered. It would have taken me a while to copy out each monsters stats info but since you already did it there is no need. We just need to merge our work. Can you wait till weds ill do the spreadsheet then and email it to you

Weds will be perfect. I will keep going with what i have. Together we can get this finished super fast. :)

Re: Bestiary / Compemdium

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:09 am
by nezkeys79

Re: Bestiary / Compemdium

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:39 am
by kabbie1882
I thought each monsters stats were random or different depending where they are ?

Example ....

Animal 1
HP: 15 - 20
AP: 4 - 6
AC: 105% - 115%
AD: 2 - 4
BC: 25 - 35
Drop: Animal Hair, Meat, gem

I haven't paid attention to the stats in so long, that I could be totally wrong.
As I have asked before, how would you use this info to help you in the game ?
What value would it give being added to the game and not just being available here ?

Re: Bestiary / Compemdium

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:06 am
by Pyrizzle
Alot of them look very simular but have different stats. Like the cave snake, tough cave snake, and venomous cave snake for example.

This list really would have no use in the game but could help ppl find something they are looking for.

Re: Bestiary / Compemdium

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:30 pm
by AngelRN
kabbie1882 wrote:As I have asked before, how would you use this info to help you in the game ?
What value would it give being added to the game and not just being available here ?

I'm only one little opinion and not particularly important, but I think it would just be interesting to know how many of a type of monster you've defeated. It could be useful to a player pursuing an extraordinary item as they would actually know how many monsters they have encountered rather than trying to reckon by dropped items. Right now I'm wandering back and forth through the gargoyle trainers/masters rooms hoping for a RoLS. Determining how many nasty dudes I've killed can be complicated by the fact that small rocks are dropped by other creatures, but if I had a monster kill count I would have a slightly better idea of when I'm reaching the point that I am likely to find the item from a statistical perspective.

You are correct that this information would not have a direct impact on gameplay nor help you become a better player. It's just information that would be neat to have. As a player, I could see that X% of my kills have been Monster B. While I'm waiting for the next update, I could entertain myself by trying to kill enough of Monster B to make it 50% of my kills.

But as I said, I am only one small opinion, and not a very impressive player.

Re: Bestiary / Compemdium

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:11 pm
by kabbie1882
Pyrizzle wrote:Kabbie
Alot of them look very simular but have different stats. Like the cave snake, tough cave snake, and venomous cave snake for example.

This list really would have no use in the game but could help ppl find something they are looking for.
I think I get it.

Re: Bestiary / Compemdium

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:21 pm
by pelligrini
kabbie1882 wrote:What does it matter ow many of each monster you have killed ?
I agree with most everything AngelRN said.

It's not a must have for gameplay, but I think it would be a neat stat to have. I would love to know exactly how many trainers I wacked before I got my RoLS. It certainly shouldn't take priority over new content and maps. If it didn't use too many rescources (memory, processing, development etc.) I would like to see it eventually.

Re: Bestiary / Compemdium

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:02 pm
by nezkeys79
Personally I feel that it is extremely helpful to have the exp, gold, and item drops info for each monster all in one place, especially for newer players. Even more experienced players could benefit from having this info neatly compiled.

And obviously its better to have this info in the game than coming online for the info. The same argument could be said of the need for a world map in game if someone can just make the map downloadable on here. Personally I support both ideas anyway.

Re: Bestiary / Compemdium

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:56 pm
by nezkeys79

Re: Bestiary / Compemdium

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:55 pm
by Samuel
You can try to rename the doc to a jpg. ;-)
:D :D :D