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Re: Dungeons List

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:31 pm
by Mino
Pyrizzle wrote:
lady black wrote:Seems good. I've been calling it the Backwater Mountain complex because of its many parts. Two towns, the Kazaul area, a small catacomb, and a road up a mountainside that needs to be traversed at least three round trips. Up ana down and up and down and ... You get to feeling like a yo-yo!.
only to find out later that there is a way to teleport down the mountain when its all said and done.
True, but the teleport doesn't become available until after you've completed the quest to side with Prim or BWM, so there's still a lot of up and down until then. Then it ends up being a good place to grind when you're not worried about getting back and forth :D

Re: Dungeons List

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:12 am
by dirtydingo
Heya Pyzzizle.........talking bout the yo-yo up n down the mtn......I figured a way to just go up ea. time.........I lvl'd up before going up the first time......then went to the inn in prim, slept, refueled, and then headed up........I bootscooted my way up, wasting lil time fighting, only when I had up there, and talked to the my next assignment to go down and visit I just went out and let the first fight I got into kill me.....I didn't lose hardly any exp. cuz I had just LVL'd up b4 heading up, and then i wake up in the inn in prim, cuz that was my lst place to rest (be sure to NOT to rest at the cabin on the way up. or this doesn't work, you obviously will die and wake up there instead of at the bottom) then i go talk to the guy in prim, go rest up again (save) then head up the mtn again and repeat the process all over.......this way you will lost some exp pts, but if u start as I said right after u LVL up, u won't lose much compared to not having to go all the way down, it sort of works like a pre-teleport, before u actually get the sure cut down the time to do this I compared it to the first time I did it, on my other most I have two games going. hope this makes sense.......let me know what u think......but I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this.........

long live Andor's Trail! ;) DirtyDingo

Re: Dungeons List

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:06 am
by lady black
But you lose all the experience points that you would be accumulating while fighting your way back down. And where is the upward teleportation station?

Re: Dungeons List

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:34 am
by dirtydingo
Well my strategy was not about point iaccumulation, it was about finishing the quest. I figured on grinding exp pts after I conquered the quest and gained trust of the settlement, so I wouldnt burn all my bonemeals going up n down. As far as going back up, I didn't say there was a quick way back up, yes I did have to trudge back up each time, this may not be the way for all, it just seemed to work well for me, as it did cut the quest time in half, therefore allowing me to then exp hunt with the security of being able to bed atop of BW/ and in Prim at the base. this is just one lowly fools way doing things, I am obviously not as smart as you my dear lady black. I am just a mere LVL 30, and ur over dbl that..........just providing an alternate solution to a problem.

Long live King Oscar and long live the Trail!
:) DirtyDingo

Re: Dungeons List

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:05 pm
by Mino
I fought my way through BWM because those creatures gave out a lot of XP so I didn't want to lose it, but I will admit to letting myself die after completing the Kazul quest so I wouldn't have to find my way back out of that dark maze (this was before I read about the rock dropping idea).

Re: Dungeons List

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:56 am
by lady black
Sorry, dirtydingo, I didn't mean to say that your method was not good, just mentioned the one drawback to it in case some players did not think of it while considering using your method.
And my question about the elevator back up was intended as a slight joke (OK, maybe very slight) and did not mean to suggest that you had claimed there was an easy way back up. I was very disappointed to find that the teleport was one-way down only.
I certainly did not intend to insult your intelligence or claim that fighting your way down rather than dying was the better way to play the game.
As I read these forums, I am often reminded of the only law regarding religion in the Valdemar books by Mercedes Lackey: There is no "one true way." In so many topics, people take one position and insist that is, basically, "the one true way." I did not intend any such assertion, and am sorry if I gave you the impression that I did.

Re: Dungeons List

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:39 am
by Sarumar
How about making this more intresting. I suggest somethink like:

-Snake cave .....
tips and tricks:
-possible quest
-typicall drops
-unique monster
-unique drops
-good place of grinding gold lvl, 5-
-good place of grinding meat and exp lvl 7-