A small blunder

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Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 3:08 am

Re: A small blunder

Post by killerkelvyn21 »

You have to press and hold until your phone vibrates. After that you will get a menu with two or three options: drop, info and if you can use it or equip it you will get those commands. Also you dont have to be in the basket to drop, you can always use this command; just don't ask me what happens when you use it any where else I have never tried.
Infinity is the best number of all.
p.s. I know infinity is used improperly, it is ok.
lady black
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Re: A small blunder

Post by lady black »

Sorry I wasn't clear on that. You are right: "Press and hold" is much better terminology.

killerkelvyn21 and anyone else interested,
I now know what happens when one drops stuff outside the basket. A "loot, or gold, or moneybags" icon appears at your feet, and if you move at least one step away and come back, you get the "You found some items" message and the option to pick the thing(s) up. I used this to rearrange the items in my inventory list to put my most frequently used items at the top and the least used at the bottom. The first thing you pick up is the top item in the list and things are added to the bottom of the list as they are picked up. The main problem with doing this is that you can drop only one item at a time, not one type of item, so if you have 50 healing potions you have to drop 50 times. You can pick them all up at once, though, which helps some. I dropped only one type of item at each location so I had a trail of loot icons along the path, then picked them up in the order I wanted. The pickup is that used every time you kill a monster, so you could drop several types of things in one location, but you would have to be careful to hit the correct item type when picking them up, and not use the "pick up all" option you use after a monster kill. I drag around so many things because they may possibly be useful in the future that I thought it was worth the trouble to do all this to organize my stuff. I get bored in the gargoyle cave killing trainers and masters trying for the elusive RoLS. At least now I can find my bonemeal potions when I need one in a hurry.
LVL 108; XP 23,138,749; Gold 1,827,209; 4/23/12
HP 130; AP 4/12; AC 328; AD 55-66; CC 9; CM 0; BC 127; DR 2
RoLS 4; RoL 2; ElyR 4; ChaR 11; GoLF 4; ShaF 4
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