v0.8.12.1 ("Towards Feygard" or "Of kobolds, fae, witch and troll", including bugfix) released to Google Play!

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Weak Poison - Best use ever!

Unstructured ideas, requests and suggestions for the development of the game.
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Re: Weak Poison - Best use ever!

Post by Antison »

When you really didn't answer my question.
Why do you find these guys annoying enough to want to kill them? Just because they ask you if you want to join them for a drink?
"A home without a beagle is just a house"
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Re: Weak Poison - Best use ever!

Post by Fischer »

Like the sweet Ladies of the Shadow in the churches, their random movements block my path and force an interaction I couldn't otherwise avoid.
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Re: Weak Poison - Best use ever!

Post by Canuck »

Speaking of which, perhaps some of those church ladies would be willing to accept a bottle of "communion" wine and pass out drunk, staying out of your way for a while. And perhaps just one of them, in just one of the churches, might have an interesting story to tell once she gets a bit tipsy …
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