I got one and it will and could fit in this

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I got one and it will and could fit in this


Why not make it where you are able to steal stuff from shops, with a 65% chance of being seen. And then a guard appears and takes you to the town jail to plead your case. This way if you are going to be a bad guy a d choose to do the wrong path, you can be a villian.
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Re: I got one and it will and could fit in this

Post by Antison »

Okay, but what happens in jail/prison? staying in there for any extended period of time is not fun for the player so we can't really do that for more than a couple of rounds I guess. There has to be some other form of punishment. A monetary fine? While in prison you lose your bonemeal supply? You build up a criminal record which bars you from entry into certain places in the future?
"A home without a beagle is just a house"
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